sábado, 12 de novembro de 2011

Música De "Lord Of The Lake"

Pessoal é com muito orgulho (baba) que vos apresento a versão instrumental da música feita pelo para o meu poema "Lord Of The Lake" criada pelo Viniiciuz Freitas. É um som meio darkwave/EBM, não sei se gostam, eu pessoalmente gostei (sou suspeito).

There’s a lake within my soul
Where once there were trees and fields of Gold
There’s a lake within my soul
Surrounded by all that was new
There’s a lake within my soul
Where i was hoping to find you

The one who drowned inside
Into the deeps without a plan
Although i thought you had one
You drowned to never rise again

Who’s gonna save you
now that you’re inside of me
Searching for help, so lost
As far as the eye can see

Sometimes we dive inside the ones
Who would lead us through love and hate
But as long as you’re inside of me, you’ll stay low
‘Cause i’m the lord of my lake.

Brigado Viin!

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